Air Conditioning + Heating
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Spring Checklist for your HVAC System

As North Texas heads into the warmer spring months you’re probably rejoicing the coming of the longer and sunnier days. With these warmer months approaching it is essential that you make sure your HVAC system is ready for whatever get’s thrown your way.

Our handy AGES certified technicians have created a checklist to ensure that you’re ready for the coming spring months.

Spring Checklist for your HVAC System

1) Check Air filters

Your air filters are the first line of defense against dirt and debris. With the accumulation of dirt and debris your filters will begin to clog up and reduce the airflow around your home. This will ultimately lead to several problems including poor air quality, clogged filters, and an increase in your utility bills as your HVAC has to work harder to keep the home at an ideal temperature. Reach out to an AGES technician for air filter replacement and any necessary maintenance.

2) Check Around the Unit

It’s time for spring checklist for your HVAC system, and that includes around your HVAC unit. During the colder winter months dust and grime will begin to accumulate around the HVAC unit. In addition, small pests may have made their homes around the HVAC unit since it provides a warm and cozy environment. We recommend cleaning around the unit yourself to keep any critters at bay, but when it comes to cleaning the inside call your local AGES technician to schedule an appointment. Certified technicians are trained to handle all of the necessary cleaning processes in an efficient and safe manner.

3) Set your Thermostat

According to you could be saving as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling. Simply turn it 7-10 degrees down during the winter months, and up during the summer months. Lower and higher the temperature within a home, the more energy that is conserved. This will ultimately help you save money, and keep your HVAC system in better shape. If you have questions about upgrading to a new thermostat or setting it up contact a certified AGES technician.

4) Clean Home, Clean HVAC

With spring cleaning upon us there are several easy steps that you can take to help your HVAC system work more efficiently. These include dusting ceiling fans, dirty windows, and ceiling air vents. These are all places where dust and dirt can easily accumulate making your HVAC system have to work twice as hard which decreases the systems lifespan. You may also want to consider installing an air purifier. A air purifier will help remove allergens, mold, and can help with dust control helping you have cleaner air throughout your home.

5) Call AGES

Spring is the ideal time to set up your HVAC system maintenance with AGES. A certified technician will be able to check that all parts are operating correctly and repair anything that is not. They will also be able to check that all electrical connections are working properly to lengthen the lifespan of the system components.  This will help ensure that your system is ready to handle whatever wacky crazy weather gets thrown your way.

Still have questions about your HVAC system. Give us a call at (817)-851-8155 or check us out at to get you ready for spring.